No matter what protection your family or business requires, National Best has the product specific carriers to provide the correct coverage. Do you need Temporary or Permanent Life Insurance? Do you need Critical Illness and Disability Insurance? Does your company need Key Man Insurance or Benefit Plans? Our advisors will help you choose the right product for your needs.
Debt has become the primary culprit stealing Canadian's financial future. Our advisors will educate clients on the difference between good debt and bad debt and help set up debt management strategies. The reduction of bad debt is a key to growing wealth. We will recommend proper emergency fund amounts. Our mandate at National Best is to help all Canadians, not just the families with money to invest.
How can you keep Revenue Canada from becoming your biggest beneficiary? Our estate planning experts will guide you through the tricks and traps of setting up a bullet proof estate. Whether you want to leave a legacy to your children or your favourite charity, National Best will reveal the strategy that will work for you and your loved ones. We help to ensure that the transfer of your cash, your cottage, or your business is done with the greatest ease and tax efficiency.
Our advisors will help sculpt your plan for a secure financial future. Our program involves education and goal setting. We analyse your risk tolerance and make sure the path to higher net worth does not keep you up at night. We have strategies that will help you understand and properly utilize your RRSP, TFSA, RESP, RDSP, LIRA, LIF or non-registered investments.